Hello we are Simple Arts. We have a small studio space in the east end of Glasgow that is currently filled with artists and creative people. We have big plans to expand into a second unit next door in the next few months. Once we have a bigger space available we hope to begin to use the money generated from rent to run workshops, events and exhibitions. We believe that artists, designers and other creatives should not accept working for free. We hope to begin to make a change to this by making sure any person who contributes to Simple Arts gets paid a fair wage for the work they do. It’s simple, do work, get paid.
It’ll take us a little while before we can have out first show or event. So in the meantime we will try to keep you as informed about all things Simple, including the goings on for our 5 current studio members. We are also very keen to support members of the art community in anyway that we can. So please let us know if you know of an event or show coming up and we will help spread the word. You can keep in touch via Facebook and Twitter as well as emailing us at [email protected].